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By Life Teen Logo

What Are Your Teens Watching?

We are all spending a lot more time indoors, and with school and all other activities canceled until further notice, it is no secret that many young people are turning to screens to fill the void. While it is...

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Summer Time in Teen Culture: June 2019 Update

On the 21st of the month, the world celebrated the official launch of summer and today’s teens are loving this season for all sorts of reasons, not just the fact that most of them are off of school. Along...

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Binge-Able: TV Shows Your Teens Might Watch This Summer

Summer is almost here! School will be on break, snacks will be stacked in the cupboards, car windows will be rolled down, and the TV remote will be in-hand. Most likely, your teen already has a to-do list of...

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Three Tips to Help Your Teen After A Summer Conference

It’s almost time for school… the hot summer days are coming to an end. That also means the end of the conference season for youth ministers and youth ministry programs across the country. From Steubenville Conferences to the Life...

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